Lihou resources
Lihou house generates its own drinking water, electricity and deals with its own sewage. Diesel for the generator and gas for the kitchen has to be transported to the island when needed. Please do not waste resources. Turn taps off when not in use. Turn the gas hob off when not needed. Turn off all lights when leaving a room and remind others to do the same.
Bird nesting and roosting
Throughout the year, but especially from the end of February until the end of July, it is important to respect the birds on the island. Please can you avoid the two main roosting sites
during the evenings:
The northern-most tip of the island
The roped area in front of the house called Lissroy (pronounced le-roy).
The birds use the areas extensively for roosting throughout the year and nesting in the spring. At all times it is advisable to be cautious and aware when walking off the paths, as many nests are very difficult to spot and the eggs are very camouflaged.
Activities planned using the island outside of the grounds of the house must be done so with consideration to the environment and other island user. Consultation with the warden with
regards the appropriateness of activities is advised.
Lihou Island is an important nature and conservation area and is listed as such under the RAMSAR convention. Please respect this during your stay.
What should I bring?
Clothing and wash kit including towel
Toilet paper, tea towels and so on
Food for the duration of your stay (bearing in mind the limited freezing facilities)
Bedding: pillowcase, sheet, sleeping bag or quilt (see below)
A torch is always a good idea
Indoor footwear or bare feet will be fine
Entertainment and games for your group
What bedding should I bring?
The beds are provided with a mattress and mattress cover as well as a pillow. The pillow has a pillowcase on it but this is not washed after every group and is there purely to help protect the pillows. You must bring a sheet to cover the bed, a pillowcase and either a sleeping bag or quilt. Please use a sheet even if you are using a sleeping bag. This is for basic hygiene
What beds are there?
The beds are a mix of bunks, single beds and two double beds. The bunk beds have secure sides on the upper bunk and a ladder to access the upper bunk. The beds are currently configured as:
1 x 9 bed dorm (4 x bunk beds and 1 x single)
2 x 6 bed dorms (both have 2 x bunk beds and 2 x singles)
1 x Triple rooms (1 x bunk bed and 1 x single)
2 x Double rooms (each have one double bed only)
1 x twin room (1 x bunk bed)
2 x Four bed rooms (2 x bunk beds)
How do I get luggage, food and myself to the island?
The Lihou Charitable Trust cannot guarantee a facility to transport luggage and food to the island. However it is very rare that this cannot be done. Luggage is transferred by tractor in a potato box. Transfer of one box full is free of charge but subsequent boxes are charged at £20 per box. This is to take account of the extra time for the warden and wear and tear on the tractor in the salt-water environment. A maximum of three box loads is permissible but on occasions time and tides may only allow time for one box to be transferred. Every effort will be made to accommodate luggage transfer but we would encourage you to pack only the essential and carry as much as possible. There is no facility for the transfer of people but special dispensation for infirm or disabled may be able to be accommodated if you give sufficient notice.
The dimensions of a ‘potato box’ are 6 ft x 4 ft by 2 ft 6 in deep or in metric 1.8 m x 1.2 m x 0.8 m deep.
On occasion the tractor might have a trailer available and as such the above box dimensions do not apply. Please plan for using a box and not a trailer.
What time to we go and return?
It is normal for groups to meet in the car park on the Guernsey side of the causeway to load their luggage into the tractor half and hour after the causeway opens. Groups are collected from the house imediately the causeway clears. Only in exceptional circumstances and subject to arrangements with the warden can this be altered.
Are towels provided?
No linen, towels or tea towels are provided. Most groups stay for short periods and as such the levels of laundry after a group’s stay would be enormous. To help lower the use of the island’s resources and costs involved in running the house, we ask you to supply all your own linen and towels.
What cooking utensils are there?
Most, if not everything, you need for cooking is provided. There is adequate crockery, cups, mugs and cutlery for 30 but no glasses. There are chopping boards and knives as well as serving spoons and so on. There are baking trays and poaching pans.
What facilities are there in the kitchen?
It is a large stainless steel kitchen with a six-ring gas hob and big oven. The oven and hob runs from bottled gas so please do no waste it. There is also a six-slice toaster and a large fridge with a small freezer section. There is no dishwasher or microwave. We are keeping the electrical appliances to a minimum as the house runs from batteries and a generator. Lots of appliances equal lots of cost. There are two large catering-style sinks for washing up. There are three large gas barbecues available to use at no extra charge if required.
Is there a TV in the house?
No. There is also no radio, CD player or DVD player. If you require these items you must bring them along yourself. There is a pull-down screen that can be used with a data projector
if required.
What toilet facilities are there?
There are currently four bathrooms each housing a sink, toilet and a shower. We are hoping to install a fifth bathroom shortly. Lihou has the only sewage treatment system in the Bailiwick of Guernsey. To that end please do not place anything other than toilet paper down the toilet. Sanitary products must go in the bin. Groups must supply their own toilet paper.
Can I drink the water?
Yes. The water in Lihou comes from a 230 foot deep borehole. It then gets processed through a reverse osmosis water treatment unit.
Please do not waste water.
What do we do with our waste food and rubbish?
All waste food must be removed from Lihou and placed in bins on Guernsey.
All rubbish should also be removed. Rubbish should preferably be separated and recycled where possible.
Do not put scraps outside for the birds as this not only encourages the gulls to start pestering residents but also attracts rats.
Do not put full rubbish bags outside as the rats and gulls will tear them open.
It is your responsibility to deal with your rubbish so removal of excess packaging before your arrival in Lihou is a good and helpful idea.
Can we have a campfire?
Sadly no fires are allowed on Lihou. This is to reduce the chance of there being a scrub fire that gets out of control. Lihou is an environmentally sensitive island and a fire would be devastating.
Can we have a fire in the house in the lounge?
Yes. There is a wood burning stove in the lounge. Wood can either be scavenge from the beaches (outside of the bird breeding season) or brought with you to the island. It is not permitted to burn coal in the fire.
Can I bring my dog or cat?
No dogs or cats are allowed onto the island at any time.
Where can I smoke around the house?
Lihou House is classed as a public building and like the rest of Guernsey, smoking within a public building is not allowed. We ask that you smoke outside the property and ensure that you pick-up your cigarette ends. Cigarette ends are litter and should be dealt with as such and in a responsible manner.
Can we bring electric kettles, hair dryers, music systems etc?
Sadly no. As the house makes its own power there is a limited supply. The only electrical items that may be brought with you are low power items such as mp3 chargers, phone and camera chargers and laptops. Small mp3 style speakers are also ok but not large systems with amplifiers.
Is there a barbecue?
No. We used to have barbecues but they were abused and expensive to replace as well as problematic to store. If you bring a disposable or portable barbecue with you, please adhere to the following;
Keep the barbecue off the ground so as to avoid burning the grass or decking etc.
Barbecue within the boundaries of the garden
Ensure that all coals are cold before leaving the barbecue unatended
Remove ALL coals from the island when you leave with your waste and DO NOT dispose of them on the beach or bushes
DO NOT feed the gulls or throw bones etc anywhere other than in your normal waste stream
Can I bring my kayak to the island?
It is ill advised to use a kayak or sit-on-top around Lihou without sufficient knowledge or skill as the entire island is subject to very strong tidal flows even on calm days when they may seem less obvious.
Our liability to you
The Lihou Charitable Trust shall ensure that the accommodation you order from us are in accordance with these terms and conditions.
The Lihou Charitable Trust shall provide a warden for the house. The warden operates under the direct authority of the Trustees of The Lihou Charitable Trust. The Trustees have delegated overall operational control of the property to the warden. The warden is not responsible for any services undertaken outside of the agreed contract at the time of booking. The warden is not responsible for any activities organised by the customer or by a third party for the customer.
Where any element of your booking is not provided to your satisfaction you must notify ushese terms and conditions within 28 days of the alleged breach. We shall then investigate the matter and if we have not provided the accommodation in accordance with tyou shall be entitled to: a full or part refund of the cost of your stay less any fees charged for changes requested by you; or a free stay to the equivalent value, where such dates are agreed in writing by us.
We will not be liable to you by way of representation (unless fraudulent), common law duty or under any express or implied term of the contract for: any losses which are not foreseeable by both you and us when the Contract is formed arising in connection with the supply of the services or their use by you; any losses which are not caused by any breach by us; business or trade losses.
Our entire liability in connection with the Contract will not exceed the purchase price of the services booked less any amendment charges paid to us.
Except in relation to death or personal injury caused by our negligence The Lihou Charitable Trust liability remains, at all times, limited to the value of the services booked, excluding any amendment charges paid to us.
If your behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable, offensive or causes damage your booking may be terminated and you may be asked to leave The Lihou Charitable Trust premises. Any existing future bookings will be suspended pending further enquiry. No whole or part refunds will be made under these circumstances.
Child protection
The Lihou Charitable Trust appointed warden has been police checked.
Customers using the house who have minors in their party are reminded that the leader/s or parents/guardians of the group are responsible for the minors.
At no point will the warden accept sole responsibility of any minors.
Using the Island of Lihou
Although the Island is open for all to use, The Lihou Charitable Trust recommends that groups wishing to use the Island for organised activities are advised to contact the States of Guernsey Environment Department on (01481) 717000 during office hours.
Your information
We shall only store and use the information you supply to us or which is supplied to us for the purposes of carrying out our contact with you and to inform you of other services and offers which we make available from time to time.
If you do not wish to receive such information, please let us know by: email, telephone or by writing to us at the contact details noted below.
Contact details
All correspondence regarding the use of the house or any other aspect of The Lihou Charitable trust mustbe addressed to the warden.
Trustees of the Lihou Charitable Trust
Mr Simon Howitt
Mr Roland Guille
Dr Tim Sinnerton
Friends of Lihou
If you have enjoyed a visit to Lihou, value the opportunities that the island provides and would like to see the project go from strength-to-strength, why not support us by becoming a Friend of Lihou?
To join please email the Friends of Lihou or print the application form and send it to the address on the form.
As a Friend of Lihou you will be helping support:
Provision of a place where anyone can stay to experience the magical qualities of Lihou over a high water. We call it the 'Lihou experience'
Maintenance of the house and grounds for the benefit of all the people of Guernsey
Pay for a warden to be on hand when the house is occupied
Advance notice of fund raising events and concessions on the price of tickets
Advance notice for booking the house four weeks ahead of everyone else
![]() Monty Halls was the guest speaker at the Friends of Lihou 2012 Summer Ball |
![]() Busy in the kitche |