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Schools information

Contact us

The following information is for people wishing to use the house on Lihou for the purpose of a residential or day visit. If you have any queries about any of the following, please contact the warden.


Guernsey schools wishing to book a residential stay in Lihou House must also submit the required Education permission forms well in advance of the planned trip. There is a very useful flowchart that describes what forms are needed.


Causeway times


The actual causeway times are different from the times that the States of Guernsey publishes.  The States apply a safety margin to account for the fact that visitors to the island are walking there, around the island and back. Official visitor times do not require this additional factor as most trips are one way and accompanied by the warden with a tractor.


Please click on the appropriate month link below for Lihou Charitable Trust causeway times. These times are only for use by people staying in the house. 'falling' equals the time the causeway opens* and 'rising' equals the time the causeway closes*




Wind direction and strength as well as barometric pressure can alter the above published times.


Risk assessments, NOPs and EAPs


Abseiling | EAP | NOP
Archery | EAP | NOP
Causeway | Causeway supplemental information
Climbing | EAP | NOP
Coasteering | EAP | Foam gulley NOP | Lihoumel NOP | Lissroy NOP
Guided island walks
Inter-tidal zone
Lihou house
Rock pooling
Rounders and paddock sports
Swimming (beach) | EAP | NOP
Swimming (Venus Pool)  EAP  NOP
Team games
Scavenger hunt (Lihou)

Activity briefing aide memoirs



Emergency documents and information

Accident and incident reporting
Accident or indicent near miss record sheet
Evacuation plan
Late back reporting
Activity insurance certificate
First aid certificate
Technical advisor
National water safety management programme certificate



Child protection policy
Cleaning routine
Do's and don'ts
Environmental guidelines
Instructor qualifications
Lihou house briefing sheet
List of essential kit
Lihou headland games and activities

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